Did You Know

Participants attending our programs make better decisions, positively manage stress, develop new coping skills, learn relaxation techniques and gain better control over their health."

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Doctor Testimonials

Top fertility specialists regularly refer their patients to the Mind/Body Institute.

"My patient's experience with the Mind/Body Institute has been outstanding. It is probably something that every couple encountering a serious infertility problem should consider"
-Arthur Wisot, M.D.
Reproductive Partners, Redondo Beach

"The Mind/Body Institute provides infertility patients with the tools by which they can regain control over the emotional issues caused by infertility. The stress reduction techniques learned at the Mind/Body Institute provide a lifetime of benefits even beyond the challenge of infertility."
-Richard Marrs, M.D.
California Fertility Partners, Santa Monica

"My patients' experience with the Mind/Body Institute has been uniformly outstanding. This program is something that every couple encountering fertility issues should seriously consider. I would give this program my absolute highest recommendation."
- Richard P. Buyalos, M.D.
Fertility & Surgical Associates, Thousand Oaks

"The tools my patients gain from the Mind/Body program help them cope not only with emotional distress of infertility, but also with all aspects of life"
-Ingrid Rodi, M.D.
Parker, Rosenman, and Rodi, Santa Monica

"Our patients have truly benefited from the support they have received at the Mind/Body Institute. The tools gained at this program will empower and benefit all couples embarking on infertility treatment"
-David E. Tourgeman, M.D.
Huntington Reproductive Center
West Los Angeles, CA

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Patient Success Stories

"My daughter is almost 11 weeks old now. It is hard to believe that a year ago having a baby seemed so improbable. I truly believe that the Mind/Body Institute program played a significant role in the success of our third IVF attempt. The relaxation techniques are life-altering and I highly recommend the program to anyone facing infertility issues. After 8 years of trying to conceive, one of the best decisions I made was to take the course"
-Lisa H., 40, South Bay

"I decided to attend the Mind/Body Institute after my first failed IVF and almost 3 years of infertility. I was so desperate to heal my emotional pain and to find some peace that I was willing to fly from San Francisco to L.A weekly to participate in the program. Within a few weeks I began to calm down and soon started to feel happy and light-hearted again. The relaxation techniques and the support of the other women was central to my recovery. My attitude during my second IVF was very different. I listened to a relaxation tape during the embryo transfer and felt positive and centered. I was pregnant before the end of the 10 week program!"
-Stefany G., San Francisco

"Imagine you are living in a foreign country where everyone is very kind to you, but no one speaks your language. You are going through a difficult experience so people try to comfort you, but they just can't understand what you are saying. Then imagine that you find a room filled with women who not only speak your language, but share that difficult experience. Empathy, camaraderie, support, coping techniques, and true understanding pour forth. You feel better than you have in years. The Mind/Body Institute offers a wonderful program of support and instruction in relaxation techniques. My husband and I are still not pregnant, but we feel more at peace and realize that if we want to be parents there are many ways to achieve that goal. I recommend this course to anyone struggling with fertility. It it amazing!"
-Eva K.., W. Los Angeles

"Over the past four years of infertility treatment, I've gone through cycles of hope and disappointment. With each new procedure, I hoped for a pregnancy. When I didn't get pregnant after the first IVF, I spiraled into a darkness that clouded my entire life. As a result of attending the Mind/Body Institute, I now have tools to help me thrive as I go through tough life experiences like infertility. I just wish I attended the class sooner"
-Laura S., 42, Long Beach

"I have always considered myself a strong person, but I learned first-hand that dealing with infertility could break anyone. Two miscarriages, medical complications, and one negative pregnancy test after another had left me hopeless and miserable. By the time I came to the Mind/Body program, I was crying all the time and really felt like a failure. The program guided me out of my fog by providing me with concrete tools for feeling better, and over a few weeks, I was able to develop a totally different outlook on my situation. I could actually be happy and enjoy life again (without being pregnant)! Now that I am pregnant, I continue to do the meditations and use what I learned in class not just for infertility, but for a more happy and relaxed life as well. Thank you Laurel Kline and thank you Mind/Body!"
-Sarah E., 33, Los Angeles

"At this point I feel lie the poster child for the Mind/Body Institute. Coming to the program, I was extremely depressed, stressed out beyond belief, and just downright unhappy. I could not grasp perspective after rounds of clomid that resulted in a miscarriage, numerous injectable cycles, and finally a failed IVF cycle. What had started out as a simple ovulation problem had manifested into 2 1/2 years of unexplained infertility. I knew I needed help so that I could learn how to heal and stop being so angry with my body for failing me. The Mind/Body Institute help me learn to take care of myself and put me first-- I started meditating, reading positive books, reaching out to class members, and just spoiling myself. I was so far into letting go at the end of the class that I had decided I wanted to take a break from treatment and not come back to it for at least a year. I sat in the last class thrilled and at peace with my decision. Little did I know, but I was already 3 weeks pregnant. Imagine my surprise and delight, when we got pregnant completely on our own, the old fashion way! Although my results may not be typical, it definitely shows that for me personally, stress and depression played a vital role in my infertility. Now at about 6 weeks pregnant, I find myself still very calm and centered (despite a previous miscarriage), and I credit the Mind/Body Institute for providing me with this foundation."
-Jennifer M., Redondo Beach

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Press Releases

Daily Pilot Focus on Health January 9, 2007- Click Here

NBC News 4 min TV clip on Mind Body Institute.    It may take a few minutes to download, but it is worth the wait.

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(4.42 MB: download time varies depending on your connection.)

Click here for High Speed connection
(11.2 MB: less than 1 minute)

Click here for Quick Time version
( Macintosh users)

Articles by Katie Boland:

Fa-La-La-La-La and Blah-Blah-Blah

The Top 10 Tips for Conception (that the docs will never tell you)

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